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A commitment to Quality from the Cueva de Nerja Foundation
The Management of the Fundación Cueva de Nerja, aware of the importance of achieving proper management of its facilities and services offered to visitors, has focused its efforts on developing and implementing tools that facilitate and ensure proper management. As a strategy, it has adopted the implementation of a Quality, Environment, and Tourism Quality “Q” Management System, based on the reference standards UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015, and “Q”- Quality of ICTE.
The objective of undertaking this Integrated Management System implementation project has been to ensure the improvement of the quality level in the services offered in the activities of “Management of Visits to the Cueva de Nerja: reservations and ticket sales, guided tours, audio-guided tours, merchandise sales, and photographic memories”, as well as an improvement in its environmental performance, setting an example as an organization striving for business excellence through the training of its personnel in Quality and Environment matters.
The implementation of the Integrated Management System has involved a thorough compliance with requirements related to historical heritage, industrial safety, security, emergencies and evacuations, environment, and tourist services.
As a result of the efforts made by the entire team of the Fundación Cueva de Nerja, as of December 4, 2018, the CUEVA DE NERJA obtained certifications for Quality, Environment, and “Q” Tourism Quality, becoming the FIRST TOURIST CAVE to receive these international awards at the national level.
A challenge in renewal and continuous improvement
From this moment on, the **Fundación Cueva de Nerja** will continue to undergo strict annual audits, ensuring the continuous improvement of its management system, compliance with all environmental legal requirements, and a commitment to improving the level of excellence and quality of the facilities and services offered to visitors.
The Fundación Cueva de Nerja will continue to work in line with the utmost respect for the environment, contributing to the development of sustainable tourism in the municipality.
Following this same line of action, during the year 2019, the Fundación Cueva de Nerja through the Museo de Nerja, implemented the Tourism Quality Management System, based on the reference standard UNE 302002:2018 for Museums. Requirements for the provision of visitation services, with the aim of ensuring the maintenance of quality standards between the museum and its visitors, guaranteeing an optimal visitor experience. The Museo de Nerja is the first museum in Andalusia to obtain this certification.
- Quality, Environment, Tourism Quality, Safe Tourism, and Sustainability Policy of Fundación Cueva de Nerja, Museo de Nerja, and Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Cueva de Nerja
Working towards equality
The **FUNDACIÓN CUEVA DE NERJA** declares its firm commitment to work on policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without direct or indirect discrimination based on sex. It also aims to promote and encourage measures to achieve real equality within our organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy.
The I Plan for Equality among the female and male workers of the FUNDACIÓN PÚBLICA DE SERVICIOS CUEVA DE NERJA has the main objective of introducing a gender perspective in all the actions of the Foundation, with the purpose of guaranteeing the right to equal opportunities among female and male workers and promoting their effectiveness.
We provide a link to our commitment to equality.
Steps towards tourist sustainability
The Management of the **Fundación Cueva de Nerja**
To demonstrate the commitment of the Fundación Cueva de Nerja to the 2030 Agenda and compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we commit to establishing guidelines for efficient resource use, adopting good environmental practices, reducing the Foundation’s carbon footprint, providing equal opportunities, preventing illegal behaviors within the Foundation, and combating corruption through the implementation of “S” Sustainability Tourism standards of ICTE and COPORATE GREEN SUSTAINABLE CORPORATE.
The Fundación Cueva de Nerja is committed to continuing to work with the utmost respect for the environment, contributing to the development of sustainable tourism in the municipality. Tourist sustainability is a key element in our policies and management strategies within the Fundación Cueva de Nerja, aligning them with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As evidence of our commitment to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, we provide you with the Sustainability Report 2023 of the Fundación Cueva de Nerja.
Certificates of the Fundación Cueva de Nerja
1. Certificate Q for Quality Fundación Cueva de Nerja
2. Certificate Q for Quality Festival de Música
3. Certificate Q for Quality Museo de Nerja
4. Certificate ISO 9001 Fundación Cueva de Nerja, Museo de Nerja, and Festival de Música Cueva de Nerja
5. Certificate ISO 14001 Fundación Cueva de Nerja, Museo de Nerja, and Festival de Música Cueva de Nerja
6. Certificate Biosphere Fundación Cueva de Nerja
7. Certificate S Sustainability Fundación Cueva de Nerja
8. Certificate S Sustainability Festival de Música Cueva de Nerja
9. Certificate ODS Fundación Cueva de Nerja
10. Certificado SAFE Tourism Fundación Cueva de Nerja
11. Certificado SAFE Tourism Museo de Nerja
12. Certificado Turismo Patrimonial Sostenible
Sellos de la Fundación Cueva de Nerja
Sello de Turismo Seguro:
Sellos de Calidad:
Sello ISO 9001 – Sello ISO 14001 – Sello Calidad Turística
Sellos de Calidad:
Premio Turismo Corporate Green
Sello Biosphere:
- Certificación Biosphere en Inglés
- Certificación Biosphere en Español
Política de Compras Responsable
Política de Turismo Responsable
Sello Sicted de Calidad Turística:
- Certificación Sicted de Calidad Turística
Sello de Familia Numerosa:
Avalado por la Federación Española de Familias Numerosas.
Sellos de Turismo Sostenible:
Sello ODS Corporate Green – Sello «S» de Sostenibilidad del ICTE – Sello de Turismo Patrimonial Sostenible